Self Care... What Do I Need To Do?

Self Care... What Do I Need To Do?

Self-care is the act of engaging in activities to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. So there are 8 steps to help you understand what to do to put yourself first...this isn't a selfish act, it is a necessary one as you are the most important person in your life...and don't you forget it!

Physical Self Care

Movement of the body, health, nutrition, sleep and resting needs. 
Some examples of physical self-care: Going for a walk Taking a bath Getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night) Eating nourishing foods

Psychological Self Care

Learning new things, practicing mindfulness and creativity. 
Some examples of psychological self-care:
Practicing mindfulness
Reading a book
Learning a new skill
Doing a digital detox

Emotional Self Care

Enhancing emotional literacy, navigating emotions, increasing empathy and managing stress effectively. Some examples of emotional self-care:

Saying no
Making time for reflecting on feelings
Practicing self-compassion
Being aware of your emotional boundaries

Social Self Care

Having a supportive group and network of relationships around
you that you can trust and turn to.
Some examples of social self-care: Honouring your commitments to other people Asking for help when you need it Meeting new people Spending time with family and friends

Professional Self Care

Sharing your strengths and gifts, having clear professional boundaries and living your purpose. Some examples of professional self-care:

​Eating a nourishing lunch each day at work

Negotiating your needs
Having clear professional boundaries
Attending professional developing opportunities

Environmental Self Care

Having an organized, well maintained and clutter-free work,
business and home environment, having clean clothes
and a clean and well maintained mode of transport.
Some examples of environmental self-care:

Decluttering your home or work environment
Monitoring technology time
Cleaning up after a meal
Maintaining a clean and safe living environment

Spiritual Self Care

Having beliefs and values that are important to you and guide your life.
Some examples of spiritual self-care:

Reflecting in a journal
Going on a retreat
Walking in nature

Financial Self Care

Being responsible with your finances and having a conscious relationship with money.

Some examples of financial self-care:

Knowing where your income is coming in
Knowing where your expenses are due and paying them on time
Completing your tax responsibilities on time
Spending and saving money wisely

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