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Nostalgia & Food

Nostalgia & Food

Here at Live in the Light we are always looking for products that we can introduce to our customers so as you can imagine, when we get something new, we can't wait to open it and see how the product smells, even before we try it out.

What we have noticed is that whatever the smell is, we (especially Lou), immediately associate a smell with food which is usually triggered from way back in our childhoods. We are convinced that this is because so many foods when we were 'little', smelt so much better than they do now... it could just be that wonderment of childhood smells or in fact that foods now just don't have the same amazing aromas that they used to?

We would love to know if you do the same... is there anything that you have bought from us that has triggered a memory, or a nostalgic moment?

Pure Anada's Limited Edition Wild Raspberry Body Wash & Body Lotion.

Remember when the Mr Softy Ice Cream van used to come down the road and we would all beg our parents for a 99... add the chocolate flake and then drizzle with thick, sticky raspberry sauce ... and this smells just like that... delicious!

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