Sacred Sage Smudge Chrism

Living Libations

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  • Living Libations Sacred Sage Smudge Chrism clears senses, sanctifies sacred spaces, and purifies places with a reverent blend of cedar bark, vetiver roots, sandalwood, silver fir, and douglas fir, setting a fragrant foundation for a gathering of sages from many nations: Kenyan leleshwa, South African blue mountain sage, Spanish sage, desert sage, and Canadian white sage. Daily dawns, meditative moments, and waxing moons commune to the sacred tune of this liquid sage-smudge in a bottle. Upon inhaling your senses will open to all that is, to all relations, to clarity, to scented-spirals wider than duality.

    Natural/Organic Ingredients

  • Sandalwood (Santalum album) – The sanctity of sandalwood opens the heart and mind with luxuriant notes of nutty, full-bodied heartwood with an ethereal, creamy, sensual finish. This serene aroma serves as a fragrant foundation to the sacred sages.

    Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) – Velvety vetiver oil is an earthy, grounding essence distilled from tropical grass. Vetiver is a refreshing root that relieves troubles and melts away negative tension. It is a lullaby of loveliness that melts tension and primes the mind to move more deeply into meditation.

    Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) – Cedar bark unleashes a sense of tranquil calm while energizing thought and eradicating worries. This aromatic bark encourages deep breathing, brings clarity to chaos and eases the decision-making process.

    Leleshwa (Tarchonanthus camphoratus) – Luminous leleshwa is an illuminating and purifying essential oil also known as African Wild Sage, Wild Camphor Bush, Hottentot Tobacco, and Mikalambati in Swahili. This sagacious sage shrub is wild-crafted in Kenya and has been traditionally used as a folk remedy to deodorize and cleanse. Its clean, camphorous aroma clarifies thinking in an instant, opens the breath and clears the body of sluggishness.

    Spanish Sage (Salvia officinalis) – Sage is a jewel of nature that traditionally has been used to bring balance, clarify thinking, lift spirits, and alleviate negative tension. Sage is also frequently used to cleanse spaces and objects of residual energy.

    Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesi) – Our perfectly purifying douglas fir will calm your disposition and inspire meditative feelings while enhancing deep breathing. Douglas fir harnesses the majestic power of these tall trees. Fresh evergreen apple notes clear breathing, facilitating peace and creating communion with others.

    Silver Fir (Abies alba) – The notes of soft, sweet resin found in Silver Fir accent the sagacious scents in this sacred forest chrism. Silver fir aerates airways and and clarifies creativity.

    Blue Mountain Sage (Salvia stenophylla ) – The clarifying power of Blue Mountain sage cleanses the body of stagnant emotions. This high altitude sage supports meditation by invoking a deep sense of peaceful calm. The fragrance is greener and earthier than the other sages, providing fresh notes of cleansing inspiration.

    Desert Sage (Artemisia tridentata) – Our wild sage conjures images of camping out under the windblown stars, inhaling the sharp-clear aroma of an essence commonly known as “cowboy cologne.” This sacred plant is a powerful ally for approaching life with calmness and clarity.

    White Sage (Salvia Apiana) – Wondrous white sage glows with gorgeous silvery-green leaves that are a fragrant favorite of honeybees, who are attracted to the naturally protective powers contained in them. Traditionally used as a purifying agent in spiritual ceremonies, white sage sanctifies the air while infusing the mind with peaceful thoughts. This invigorating herb also clears mental congestion and spurs creativity.

  • Directions

    Anoint this meditative chrism under the nose, apply as an aroma upon hair and skin, diffuse for air care, use in salt inhaler, or sanctify your bath with a couple of drops to revive with reverence.

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