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Daily Light Conditioner – Pour cheveux normaux
Un revitalisant léger quotidien formulé avec des extraits de plantes, de légumes, de fleurs et d'arbres certifiés biologiques. Aide à redonner éclat, douceur, souplesse et brillance. Démêle instantanément.
Ce produit est :
Ingrédients : Eau filtrée, huile de Cocos nucifera (noix de coco), alcool cétylique (alcool gras de noix de coco), huile de fruit d'Olea europaea (olive), huile de graines de Cucurbita pepo (citrouille), extrait de Pinus elliottii (pin), extrait de Pinus banksiana (pin) , extrait de fleur de Matricaria chamomilla (camomille), extrait de feuille d'Urtica dioca (ortie), extrait de feuille de Taraxacum officinale (pissenlit), extrait de fleur de Trifolium pratense (trèfle), acide acétique (vinaigre de cidre de pomme), chlorure de magnésium (huile de magnésium), Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (guar/grappe de haricot).
Catégorie: Adds shine and softness, Alcohol-free, Balances scalp moisture levels, Biodegradable formulas, Bodycare, Conditioner, Cruelty-free, Cruelty-free production, Daily use shampoo and conditioner, Easy-to-apply formulas, Eco-conscious consumers, Eco-friendly haircare, Eco-friendly shampoo and conditioner, Family-friendly haircare, For individuals seeking natural haircare, Free from harsh chemicals, Gentle formula for daily use, Gently cleanses and nourishes hair, Hair, Haircare essentials, Helps detangle hair, Helps with dandruff and irritation, Hydrating and smooth finish, Hypoallergenic, Ideal for sensitive scalps, Improves hair texture and volume, lightweight texture, Made with organic ingredients, Minimal environmental impact, Natural botanical extracts, Natural conditioner, natural fragrance, Non-toxic, Organic shampoo, Plant-based shampoo and conditioner, Promotes scalp health, Reduces frizz and flyaways, Restores moisture balance, Safe for color-treated hair, Silicone-free, Soft, Soothes dry and itchy scalp, Strengthens hair strands, Suitable for all hair types, Sulfate-free shampoo, Supports healthy hair growth, Sustainable and recyclable packaging, Vegan
Types de produits: Hair
Vendeur: Carina Organics