Lion's Mane is known for it's neuroregenerative properties that support cognition and focus.*
Our Lion's Mane is organically cultivated in its favourite substrates (no starch, grains, or fillers) and 1:1 water extracted for bioavailability.
Fun Fact: In Japan, Lion’s Mane was called Yamabushitaki after a sect of Buddhist monks who used it to increase focus in meditation. These monks wore long strands of fur around their necks to resemble Lion’s Mane.
BETA GLUCANS | 300mg per serving
SERVINGS | 2 grams, 31 servings per package
✓ Always grown outdoors in hoop houses, not in labs.
✓ Triple tested for safety & Mushroom compounds
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Product details
• Made in United States
• Ingredients: Organic Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract
• Product Language: English
• Shelf life: 24–36 months
• Storage: Shelf-stable
Catégorie: Boosts Cognitive Function, Cognition, Cognitive Boost, Cognitive Function Enhancement, Cognitive Support Supplement, Enhances Focus & Concentration, FOCUS, Lion’s Mane, Supports brain health and cognitive function, Vegan
Types de produits: SUPERFOODS
Vendeur: Ora Cacao